Sunday, November 07, 2004

My weary soul.

Well today was worth blogging. Today, started pretty good went out surfing caught a few good waves, stayed out for about 2 hours. Noticed not many people were out surfing its maybe because of box jellyfish warning, I enjoy these moments because it seems that its a lot more quieter than usual and you can hear the tranquil ocean, its so peaceful. After 2 hours of enjoying the ocean, I went home for abit then went out to go help my friend move his stuffs to his new place. About 40% of his stuffs were moved then we[CO, me, AM] decided to have dinner, sort of noticed my car was making weird noises, but from previous experiences I sort of knew what was wrong, didn't worry about it much [told myself I am going to worry about it after dinner]. During dinner we got in dept about religion and digging deep about our lives. Anyways, I knew what I was up against me and my faith with God. After, dinner I dropped my friends off to his car and told him I think my car wouldn't make the 2nd trip I deeply apologized to him. After I parked my car and my friend went on to continue moving without me, I called AR to come and take a look at my car, he arrived and he said my tensioner was broken and this caused to power steering belt to come loose. So, I called the towing company to tow my car, while I was waiting for 45minutes by myself sort of wondered to myself why stuff [crap] always happens to me?? You know, I try to be good, do good things, help others,and try to make the right decisions, still have this happen just kills my soul and faith. I don't doubt God at all, just that at times I wonder what was the worst things I've done in my life that I have to be punished these ways, I am sure others have done far worst than I have, but still. I thought to myself maybe its another life long lesson, I still don't know what it is, but still learning the hard way I suppose. So, I called 3 different towing company, decided on one that replied to me "God bless you." at the end of the phone conversation. I took this as a sign, so I decided on him. The irony of it all was that he showed up in a tow truck that was sort of rusty, car door that you have to REALLY!! slam hard to close, its just a tow truck that might need towing, but he managed to take the SUV home. In a nutshell, after the SUV breakdown it will chain reaction to the outcome on Monday, a lot of people are not going to be happy, [sigh] but still, I pray "Thank you Lord for just thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine"


Blogger She Who Wonders said...

Sorry to hear about your car :-(

Glad that when difficult times happen it doesn't cause you to question your belief in God. That's awesome.

"These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine"

10:27 PM  

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