Sunday, September 05, 2004

The Gracious Host..

Takes care of the people who he is with no matter how bad the situation is. Well, took Anna and her friends out to go hiking to Manoa falls today. Was just hoping it would be just me and her, but as always why make life easy on Rudy?! Went to pick them up, at HPU windward campus, there she was accompanied with 2 guys, sort of put a damper but, I tried to make lemonades from lemons. As, they got into the car notice that the 2 guys aren't really involved with her, which was cool, so the day isn't going to be wasted after all. I also found out that she really loves nature and scenic place. This I found out by her taking about 10 shots with my camera (of huge trees, flowers, and the waterfall.) which I didn't mind. We stayed there about a good 2 hours, the 2 guys was at first fascinated, but the fascination soon lead to boredom, but as for AnnA she really enjoyed herself. Theres this one photo where she sits at the water fall just in a meditative trance. Which I secretly photographed and I found my favorite. As the time passed, it was time to go, Anna wanted to hike some more but, I've noticed that the skies was turning dark, and the time was drawing to dark. So, she asked if I could take her back to Manoa Falls, and take the side roads, I replied with a smile and say of course. The day end with me back in the starting position where I first picked them up. When I got home my car just made it before my water pump or one of the hose broke. Wow!! talk about this weird situation; my car could of broken down anytime but it chosed to breakdown in the end GOOD!! Job!! Betsy...[just remembered a thought that sums up the day] The Dalai Lama once said "The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes." Still feeling empty there oh Dalai Lama. Anyways...thats my day in a nutshell.
[To be continued...........]


Anna Meditating.

Manoa Falls.


AnnA and Friends.


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