Saturday, September 11, 2004

Where were you when 9/11 happened?

---My copy of 9/11/01---
Made this post to remember the thousands lost on that day where the world stood still with mixed emotions and that very same day changed every individual forever; reminding us that we to can be vulnerable anything. Where was I when 9/11 happened? It was about 5:12am(pst) just got up to get ready for work, part of my routine was to tuning to CNN news to check the weather on Texas. Where out of nowhere the news showed an airplane that crashed on the pentagon and firefighters was putting out the fire at first I thought it was a new movie trailer, after all it was 5am in the morning and I haven't got my coffee yet. After that scene, they cut to New York World Trade Center where they showed an airplane crashing into one of the Towers, then another plane hours later. After that reality set in and I was glued to the TV. As, I got into my car all radio stations was reporting about the tragedy. At work my staff had the TV already tuned into the news. All we talked or asked ourselves about the sad tragedies; was how could this have had happened? who's reponsible? how many people lost their lives? What are we going to do? On that day the tragic event left me stunned, helpless, saddened, and angry, some what confused, and numb. As I was heading home the radio played "Stuck on A Moment." :by U2. Well thats what happened to me during that day in a nutshell.


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